In 1886 van Gogh went to Paris and he began to lighten his very dark palette and to paint in the short brushstrokes of the Impressionists. His nervous temperament made him a difficult companion and night-long discussions combined with painting all day undermined his health. He decided to go south to Arles where he hoped his friends would join him and help found a school of art. Gauguin did join him but with disastrous results. Near the end of 1888, an incident led Gauguin to ultimately leave Arles. Van Gogh pursued him with an open razor, was stopped by Gauguin, but ended up cutting a portion of his own ear lobe off. Van Gogh then began to alternate between fits of madness and lucidity and was sent to the asylum in Saint-Remy for treatment.
In May of 1890, he seemed much better and went to live in Auvers-sur-Oise under the watchful eye of Dr. Gachet. Two months later he was dead, having shot himself "for the good of all." During his brief career he had sold one painting. Van Gogh's finest works were produced in less than three years in a technique that grew more and more impassioned in brushstroke, in symbolic and intense color, in surface tension, and in the movement and vibration of form and line. Van Gogh's inimitable fusion of form and content is powerful; dramatic, lyrically rhythmic, imaginative, and emotional, for the artist was completely absorbed in the effort to explain either his struggle against madness or his comprehension of the spiritual essence of man and nature.

Here's the story for you to read and enjoy!!!
A beautiful love story
Olivia Van Allen is wondering around the wharf while the sun is disappearing on the horizon and its rays are reflecting off the water. She has been waiting for Henry for an hour gazing anxiously at the sea. She is the only daughter of Mr. Van Allen, a highly respected priest of Bridlington. She loves her father but sometimes his views hurt her feelings. Lost in her thoughts, she can see Henry´s boat about a mile from the shore. Henry Digory is a young fisherman. He is the boy of her dreams and with his cheerful smile and warm blue eyes reflects his true love for her.
Henry has been Olivia´s lover for a year and she was very much in love with him. She kept the secret of their love during that year. However, her father discovered them and everything changed in her life. Refusing to listen to all her pleas, Mr. Van Allen forced her to get engaged to Edward Collins, a major figure in the local politics. Olivia was not allowed to see Henry any more. The happy days have gone for her and they were replaced by a deep melancholy full of despair. Even though her father forbade them to see each other, she was unwilling to surrender to his command. Thus, they decided to meet each other every night so as to continue their clandestine relationship.
An hour later as the night was falling Henry arrives at the wharf. He takes a look around to make sure that there is no one else apart from Olivia and him before he gets closer to her. As they are hugging each other they hear a noise as if someone was clearing his throat.
A tall figure with broad shoulders walks towards them from the dark and stands facing them. It´s Edward Collins with a cruel and sinister smile on his face. He opens his coat with his right hand and let them see a gun. Henry, who was shocked, realizes his bad intentions and jumps over him. During some terrifying seconds, Olivia is watches how he two men struggle for the possession of the gun when unexpectedly a short is fired.Olivia flies to them shouting hysterically and kneels down. None of them moves for a while and then Henry pushes Edward´s body aside with all his strength. She looks at him immensely relieved when she notices that he is out of danger. However, Edward keeps still on the ground with a gunshot wound on his chest. Olivia and Henry stay there for half an hour starring at the deceased in astonishment. Finally without a shadow of doubt, he takes her hand, boards his boat and sails across the river.
Photos taken in the class.
“What are you doing here Mr. Van Allen?” said the police officer surprised.
ResponderEliminar“Well, I know you would have never expected me to come here, but I want to denounce that my daughter is missing” announced very sad but in a calm voice.
“What? Missing?” shouted the police officer. “Well, in this kind of cases we have a procedure to follow. Now, you must tell me everything you know about her. Give me information that may be useful to find her”.
“I don’t know where to start. I’m afraid I’m a bit guilty” start declaring Mr. Van Allen very slowly. “As you know Olivia is my only daughter and I love her more that you can imagine. But I must admit that, being the priest of Bridlington and having so much to think about, she felt I was distant. But I was not!” he stopped a few second and then continued: “Soon after her 20th birthday she received a guest. He was Henry Digory, a young fisherman”.
“Could you describe him a little bit more, please?” said the police officer taking down notes.
“I didn’t know him well, you know. He was about 22, his eyes were dark and so was his hair. I don’t remember where he came from. I just know that when he asked me for Olivia’s hand I rejected him as cruel as I could be”.
“Why did you do that?” inquired the police officer.
“Because I wanted a better future for her. I always gave her everything. All my time, my love, my possessions were for her, only for her. So I couldn’t permit that situation to go on. Once, I introduced her Edward Collins, you must know him. He’s rich, a very powerful politician. Most women want to be with him but my daughter didn’t. So she refused my proposal and because of that I prohibited her to see that dirty fisherman…”
The police officer stopped to think carefuly about the last confession. Then, added: “Amm, Mr. Van Allen, you must know that my policemen found the corpse of a young man near the whaf this morning. Do you know that?”
Absolutely blank, the priest looked at the police officer and confessed: “Of course I do. I knew my daughter and his lover met every night in the wharf. Last night I persuaded Edward to go and put an end to that ridiculous love story.”
“So, you knew Edward Collins had a gun?” The police officer intuited that Mr. Van Allen knew more than what he was telling.
“Yes, I gave him the weapon” shoted the priest. “I knew one of the men were going to die. But I didn’t want it to be Edward but Henry” he yelled soaked in tears.
“I can’t believe it. You are the main suspect. I’m sorry but…” the shocked police officer did know how to continue the phrase but it was so strange to say it to a priest.
“I know…” concluded Mr. Van Allen “I must be arrested and I swear I won’t resist”.
After a month in jail, Mr. Van Allen was removed from his charge. Furthermore, he never saw his dear Olivia again and yet many trials were ahead.
Appreciation of La Celestina.
I reckon our story was great. Quite funny and quite dark. I really enjoyed working with "Light" because our ideas united perfectly. As soon as she saw the picture she said "this would be a great "Mujeres Asesinas" story". And so it was! Don't you think so? I actually had fun writing it and then gave the story life through the dolls.
Comment on Van Gogh's bio.
I'm an art lover and he is one of my favourite paintors. The aspect of his life which always caught my attention is the fact that he had a hard life. From the very beginning to the very end. His life had to mayor tragedies: his ear and his death. It was so funny that he cut off his ear to "convince" a frend to help him make his dream come true (I would never get that extreme). And then, he commited suicide "for the good of all". Maybe if he hadn't done it we would have enjoyed more of his great art!
ResponderEliminarNone of them moved for a while. A tense atmosphere was felt all over the place. "Why on earth are you doing this? You know that I don't love you. The owner of my heart is and will always be Henry. So leave us alone!," Olivia yelled at Edward furiously. After that, the man aimed his gun at Henry and pulled the trigger. Without thinking, the gorgeous girl put herself between the bullet and Henry and she ended up being instantly killed.
Henry kneeled down at her dead body and exclaimed sadly, " Please, don't leave me my love! I don't know what I gonna do without you." His words were useless since she was already dead. The miserable man burst into tears and stared at Edward with anger. Then, he cursed the unscrupulous man," you will never find happiness! You will suffer for ever. You will pay for killing my only love. You are going to be punished FOR EVER!
Feeling extremely desperate, he threw the weapon and ran away. Since then, nobody has heard of him. He seemed to have dissapeared off the face of the earth. The love that Henry had for Olivia was so strong that he was certain that they would meet in heaven. So, he commited suicide since there was no other reason for him to be alive.
The appreciation I have about "An Unexpeted Meeting" is that I really enjoyed writing the whole story. I think that I was inspired when we wrote it since I had no problems when I had to look for interesting ideas. They just flew in my mind. Besides, we didn't use the dictionary so much so it seems to me that we tried to better ourself and let me tell you, that made me feel satisfied with the work.
ResponderEliminarPerforming with "our marshall" was so much fun. I laughed my head off when we rehearsed. You can't not even imagine how funny it was.
Well that's all guys. Hope you liked our performance
See ya :)
Concerning Van Gogh's biographY. I would say that all the experiences that he had to go through in all his life, in a way, gave him what he needed to become a great artist. What I mean is that if he hadn't suffered so much, he wouldn't have been able to do those magnificent works of art.
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ResponderEliminarHi Loly!! What an unexpected end you gave the story!! I liked it! Reread it and see if you can improve grammar. Good job Loly.
ResponderEliminarAs for Van Gogh, he's one of my favourite painters too. His life was extraordinary and I guess his suffering drove him to paint to release the pain. I've been fortunate enough to see originals by Vincent. They are breathtaking!
Cintia, hi!!! I also think that Van Gogh's hard life played a very important part in defining his art and work. He was an extraordinary painter. As for your re-writing of the story's end, I liked it very much. Poor girl! How tragic!
ResponderEliminarI'm glad you enjoyed doing this activity and you had fun role-playing it. I think that the use of art in the second language class is a good technique. Beauty is inspiring! Don't you think so?
Grade: 4 (four)
Hi Lily, you don't even imagine how happy I feel this year. It is as if everything inspires me. I feel absolutely motivated and that gives me the desire to better myself more and more. I'm glad to hear that you like my ending. Hope we have awesome classes this year, I'm sure we will. Besides I love being part of this team. TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF IS THE FIRST STEP TO SUCCESS!
ResponderEliminarSee ya ;)