Hi guys!! I'm still hooked on our talk from today's class about working hard to make your dreams come true. Remember? I've this nice presentation which I would like to share with you because it deals with what I beleive is needed to achieve your goals in life: effort, creativity, work, flexibility and faith in yourself!!
When someone tells you that you can't do something...

When someone tells you that you can't do something...

Look around..
Consider all options...

Then GO for it!
Sometimes you've gotta stick your neck out!

Use all your skills and positive attitude!

In the end, you will succeed and prove them wrong!
Now I'm the first to comment. Great!
ResponderEliminarYou need to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.We should behave as this snail. If we have a clear goal in our mind, we should go for it no matter how many obstacles we may find on the way. We also have to be able to cope with frustration. The following saying reflects what I think about this issue: WHY DO WE FALL? SO THAT WE CAN LEARN TO PICK OURSELVES UP. We should all remember this and we should not give up without giving a fight.
See you guys soon
well, I´m the second one!
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, as my father says always to me, if you really want to get something, and if you put all your positive energies you will be able to get that goal. But you have to be very positive and optimist; you have to work hard and in a sense, to be a "self starter" (not only do the job but also develop it).
However, you have to realize that sometimes things don´t happen in the way you want because of external factors, so you have to be aware of that and, as we said in class, try to conspire all the world in order to help you.
As a conclusion, your success depends on the "batteries" you put on your objective!These are words that may father usually tells me, and I wanted to share it with you because I think that he´s right.
that´s all I wanted to say... Bye!!!
Hello again girls!i hope everything is fine.In my opinon,I really think taht our dreams may come true but nobody will do it for us,we have to be capable of setting our own goals,go step by step and finally to try to achieve what we want.Although most of the times we tend to commit mistakes,we should go on and never to give up.What I suggest is to watch the film "The Secret" in class(or at least some parts of it if we an,of course) because its message is really powerful and quite easy not only to understand but to apply daily as well.
ResponderEliminarHello guys!! Here is my opinion on the matter.
ResponderEliminarI think that first we have to say that there is a difference between dreams and goals. A dream is a fantasy that you have in your head, but a goal is also accompanied with a plan to get there. A person with a dream will say, “Someday I will have X,” while a person with a goal will say “Someday I will have X, and here’s how I’ll get it….”We all have different hopes in life. Everybody wants to achieve something in different aspects of life. But some times it will be needed a great effort to see your gaol come true. Anyway, I thinh that in
order to achieve your goal, you need to have commitment, motivation and focus. If you have these three things, no matter what your goal is, you can get there.
Good morning TEAM and teacher!! I must admit that the pictures are not only hilarious funny but also totally illustrative because they help us understand a bit more about what is expressed in the text!
ResponderEliminarHonestly, I really liked the distinction that our classmate Noe had made between dreams and goals. After thinking carefully I get to know that as there are things that are impossible in our life, there are also others which are possible and we shouldn’t let those drawbacks delay our wishes. Besides, if the snail succeeded in crossing to the other side, considering that it is an extremely slowly and small animal, why we wouldn't be able to make our dreams and wishes come true!!
Before ending my comment, I would like to share with you a song whose composer is Gustavo Ceratti. He sings about the universe and that everything is in his favour as we talked yesterday in class! Personally, this song really cheers me up and that is why I advise you to listen to it!
Magia, Gustavo Cerati:
Tal vez parece que me pierdo en el camino
Pero me guía la intuición
Nada me importa más que hacer el recorrido
Más que saber adónde voy.
No trates de persuadirme
Voy a seguir en esto
Sé, nunca falla
Hoy el viento sopla a mi favor.
Voy a seguir Haciéndolo.
Las cosas brillantes siempre salen de repente
como la geometría de una flor
Es la palabra antes que tus labios la suelten
Sin secretos, no hay amor.
Todo me sirve, nada se pierde
Yo lo transformo
Sé, nunca falla
El universo está a mi favor
Y es tan mágico.
Voy a seguir haciéndolo.
Me sirve cualquier pretexto
Cualquier excusa,
Cualquier error,
Todo conspira a mi favor.
Goodbye and good luck!
A charateristic of my personality is that I have always been a realistic and sensible person. That is why I always say that we have to be positive and think that everything we want is posible, but in order these to be achieved, we have to be logical at the moment we state our goals.
ResponderEliminarIn my opinion, the proberb “'If Muhammad does not go to the mountain, the mountain will go to Muhammad” is not allways true. Being realistic, as Noelia says, there are things that can not be achieved, so we have to take that into account in order not to feel disappointed.
Anyway, I have the hope that if people put all their effort and if they are creative while solving situations, they will probably succeed in acheaving their goals, having wonderful results. And if the results are not so good, I guess that people should pay attention to that, in order to learn from those situations and, as we said in the last post, “create something beautifull out of those moments.”
Hi everyone! this topic is really interesting. in my case, I am a realistic person but at the same time i am a dreamer… I believe that having a dream keeps you going on…gives you a reason to get up everyday and go and face the world, and something to focus in. I always keep in mind the concept of “give it a try” because if you really want to achieve something the first thing you have to do is try…this doesn’t mean that the way will be easy or you will get what you want but that you have made the effort and in the future you wont regret having done anything about…and remember dreams do come true so why to say no to dreams?
ResponderEliminarHi everyone!! How is it going? Well, I think it is a very nice topic to discuss about. I totally agree with Noe, dreams and goals don’t have the same meaning. It is also true that some dreams are more attainable than others, but anyway we have to fight to make them come true. To be successful in this, we have to be very positive and believe we can do it! Perhaps the circumstances and the context are not the most appropriate to achieve them (dreams) but if we dream not only with our head but also with our hearts, the universe with conspire in our favor, as Liliana and Bryan said. We have to believe because, as Vero said, dreams keep us going. WE CAN!!!
ResponderEliminarEveryperson has his own strength to face set backs and to achieve goals. As I see it, we are always challenged to go for our goals and it´s at that moment that we have to believe in ourselves, trust in our potentials and against all odds set our own ways to reach that goal. We sometimes may have our doubts, our uncertainties but that is precisely what we have to grab at to become even stronger and be determined to fulfill our purpose. Keep on going!
ResponderEliminarGood luck!!!
Hello! I think yu can archieve everything you want if you have a god go. of course, it depends on many different conditions. But if you use your creativity and all your skills, you will be able to get it. All that you need are faith in yourself and a strong determination... And if you can't do it, your positive attitude to life may attract good things to you...
ResponderEliminarWhat a positive group you are guys! Goals... dreams... objectives... you name it! just go for them!
ResponderEliminarIt's nice to share our thoughts this way. I've already started enjoying my work with you this year!
hey there! sorry about the delay. I totally think that you can achieve whatever you want if you have what it takes to make it happen. I think it's all about being creative and self-confident, which is easy if you know and keep your objectives in mind.