Hi guys! After episode 2 (Ladies' Room), you have to respond to one of the following medical scenarios:
1) Your son is getting into trouble at school at least once a week forserious classroom disciplinary problems. The school officials tell youhe has a hyperactivity disorder, and that to stay in his class he mustbe medicated. He has always been a rambunctious, energetic, creativeperson, but since he started taking the pills his personality seems tohave changed completely and now he seems almost like a stranger toyou.
2) Your husband suffers from a very serious heart condition but won’ttake his medicines because the side effects are unpleasant andsometimes physically uncomfortable for him. Without the medicines, thefragile state of his heart makes him susceptible to heart failure atany moment.
3) Your mother is starting to develop Alzheimer’s and often forgetswhere she’s going, what task she’s working on, and sometimes where shelives. She does NOT want to enter an assisted living home but shelives in another city hours away from you and needs constantattention.
4) Your brother has a mental health issue that causes him to act outin very risky ways, sometimes endangering himself and others aroundhim. None of the current treatments on the market have been effectivebut he is eligible for a highly controversial and possiblylife-threatening experimental treatment. The state officials have madeit clear that if your family doesn’t find a suitable treatment soon,he will be forced to live in a strictly-monitored, high-securitypsychiatric treatment center.
Hi again! I have to respond to the third medical scenario. Personally speaking, I thought of two possibilities. Firstly, I would take my mom with me so I can attend her. But obviously, I would ask my brothers to help me and together we would also pay a medical treatment. And secondly, I would try to convince her to enter an assisted living house because I cannot spend my whole time and life taking care of her. Taking into account my (future) job and family, I cannot be with her all the time. Believe me; I know what it is like.
ResponderEliminarWell, that’s all guys! I’m looking forward to reading your answers!
See you!!!
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ResponderEliminarHello everybody!!!! How are you? Well, it took me time to choose only one case since all of them are relevant and interesting. I decided to respond to the first one. The first thing I will try to do is to make contact with different schools so as to know if some of them work with students who suffer from hyperactivity disorder. If I do not find any appropriate school, I will talk with one or more specialists in order to get more information about this problem. Moreover, I will ask to them about the best alternative. and I will explain that the medication is changing his personality and that I don´t want to change him. What I want is to help him and reduce his disciplinary problems at school. To conclude, I think that what is important in this case is to find a solution so as to make him feel well and comfortable.
ResponderEliminarSee you soon!!! Luci...
Hi!!I have to respnd to medical scenario number 1:First of all, I would talk with my son and see what happens to him,why he reacts in such a way and what factors cause such a behaviour.Then,I would like to have an interview with the teacher and see if they give me appropriate answers about my son´s problems at school and also if they are doing something(applying any strategy) in order to make him feel normal and more confident in comparison with the rest of other students.Finally,if the pills he is taking are changing his personality,I will ask for some advice from specialists who know about this matters.
ResponderEliminarSee you soon!!bye!
Good Thursday guys! I will consider the third case, that of my mother suffering from Alzheimer. As my grandma unfortunately suffers it, I have the example of my mother and aunts. I don´t know if this is the correct thing to do but it´s complicated doing it in another way.
ResponderEliminarFirst of all, I will try to convince my mother to go to an assisted living home because it is the only place where professional people can take care of her providing exactly what she needs. Obtaining a “yes” or “no” as answer from her, I will look for a place that can assure me that she will be Ok. Although it´ll be hard for me to leave her there, I know that with all the good will in the world, I won´t be able to assist and help her in the right way. I´m conscious that she needs special treatment and that if I keep her living with me it wouldn´t be a benefit neither for her nor for me. Even it would be dangerous if she forgets, for instance, the passage of the gas open, or the door open.
Well, that´s what I think… see you!
Hello everyone! Well, I have chosen the second case. If my husband has a problem of that kind, first of all I would consult several doctors in order to have different points of view over the problem. If there is no other medicine for his heart condition, I would try to make him understand the importance of the medicine, and the possible consequences of not taking it. I would also try to explain that neither him nor I are the responsibles for his problem, and that even though it is a difficult situation, he should do his best in order to have the healthiest life he can.
ResponderEliminarWell, that’s all I can say about it. See you at six, bye!
Hi again! Well I have to answer this scenario. Your husband suffers from a very serious heart condition but won’ttake his medicines because the side effects are unpleasant andsometimes physically uncomfortable for him. Without the medicines, thefragile state of his heart makes him susceptible to heart failure atany moment.
ResponderEliminarFirstly, I would call the doctor to see if he could prescribe another medicine for my husband so he stops feeling bad becausen of the medicine side's effect. If this is possible, this would be the solution. If it's not possible I would take my husband to another specialist to examine my husband and I will ask the doctor if there's another treatment for him appart from the medicines.
That's all for now!
See you this afternoon folks! :)
Hello class! Is everything fine? I hope so.
ResponderEliminarI’ve chosen situation number three. If my mother suffered from this horrible disease which is Alzheimer I definitely would try to do all my best to help her have a better life condition. First of all, I would try to convince her to move to the city where I live. In that way, I could take care of her and she might feel more comfortable and supportive is she could be with a relative like me. Secondly, I would try to find the way to make her understand that an assisted living home was the best option for her. If my mother didn’t change her mind, I would try to deceive her saying that I was taking her to a holiday house where she could spend time with many women around her same age to have fun, to play cards and to drink tea every afternoon. Even though I don’t like lying to people, In my opinion that would be a forgettable exception.
That's all. Have a nice time!